Prelude To Bruise

Free Water #4 … And Poems

Ah, KGB Bar, you are a staid slavic gentleman with a newspaper and pince nez. You are a faint hint of arctic chill on a waning day of summer. You remind us how to live again, you insufferable purveyor of literature!

IMG_1026While the ruble crashed and executives at Sony shielded communist North Korea from our nasty jokes, the fourth installment of Free Water transpired on East 4th Street in New York. Staten Island truthsayer Andres Cerpa began a beautiful night of poetry punctuated by the clink of beer bottles and the knowing laughter of a literate audience. The strikingly clever Amy Lawless (, 2011 NYFA Poetry Fellow, commandeered the podium next, followed by charmingly complex founder and editor of Monk Books press, Bianca Stone. Ubiquitous Twitter oracle and Pushcart Prize-winning poet Saeed Jones took a break from his job as Buzzfeed’s LGBTQ editor to serve as the night’s final reader. Each a supernova in his or her own right, each a star burst of creativity and panache. IMG_1018

Pick up a copy of Lawless’s My Dead, Stone’s collection, Someone Else’s Wedding Vows, and Jones’s Prelude to Bruise on Amazon. Now! At once, I tell you!

Do your soul a favor and attend the next installment of host Britt Melewski’s electrifying poetry series at KGB Bar in February. Check their Facebook page or the NYC Notable events calendar at The Rumpus blog for dates and times.